Account Types

Best plans for traders


Pro Tools for Traders

Advanced tools designed to empower traders with pro-level insights

Online Trading

Effortless online trading with real-time insights and secure access

Real Estate Invest

Invest in real estate with confidence using insights and expert tools

Crypto Invest

Invest in cryptocurrencies securely with our expert trading tools

Crypto Market

Stay ahead in the crypto market with live data, insights, and analysis

Price Alerts

Set Price Alerts to stay updated on market changes and never miss a trade

One-Click Trading

Trade with ease using our One-Click Trading feature for fast execution


Choose the right plan for trading


"I’ve been using this trading platform for over 6 months, and I can honestly say it’s one of the best I’ve tried. The interface is intuitive, and the support team is very responsive. I’ve managed to significantly improve my trading skills thanks to their educational resources and user-friendly tools. Highly recommend!"

    Camille Jansen
    Camille Jansen


    "After a lot of research, I decided to try this trading platform, and I’m impressed! It offers a wide range of assets, and the real-time data is incredibly accurate. The mobile app is seamless, which is great for trading on the go. Customer support is also very helpful whenever I have questions." ㅤㅤ

      Christian Clark
      Christian Clark

      Crypto Trader

      "I have been trading with DFX-Suisse for over a year now, and I am very pleased with their services. The platform is intuitive, spreads are low, and order execution is seamless. What I appreciate the most is their in-depth market analysis and the prompt support team. If you're looking for a trustworthy broker, I can definitely recommend them."

        Markus Schneider
        Markus Schneider

        Financial Analyst

        "After testing several brokers, I decided to stay with DFX-Suisse. They offer a great variety of trading instruments and completely transparent conditions. Withdrawals are processed quickly, usually within 48 hours, and there are no hidden fees. Of course, trading always involves risks, but I feel confident with this broker."

           Luca Moretti
          Luca Moretti

          Private Investor

          James Gauthier

          COO, Corporate Bank

          Lavinia Gomez

          Marketing, Creative Agency


          User Questions

          Find answers to the most common user questions and inquiries here.

          To get started, register on our platform by creating an account. After registration, top up your trading account, select the appropriate market and start trading through our intuitive interface.