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Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a method for identifying trading opportunities by analysing statistical trends and patterns in historical data. It is focused on trading activity, trading volume, and price movements. This analysis aims to identify how the supply and demand for a particular instrument influence the price, volume, and volatility.

Technical analysis usually generates short-term signals by analysing prices from various charting tools. It improves the evaluation of an asset’s relationship to the market. Technical analysis can be performed using historical data of instruments. It can be performed for stocks, currencies, digital currencies, indices, and commodities.

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Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis

is a method of measuring the value of specific instruments by analysing economic and financial factors. This analysis considers macroeconomic factors such as the political and economic stability of the national and regional economy, industry conditions, restrictions and trading tolerance, and the effectiveness of the company’s management policies.

Fundamentals use public data to evaluate an instrument’s value. For DFX-SUISSE, when it comes to stocks, fundamental users analyse revenues, earnings, future growth, and profit margins. Companies publish these reports periodically, making all the information available to interested traders.

Fundamental Analysis

Trading strategies are fundamental for traders and are designed for different styles and trading methods. Any trader can apply any strategy to achieve profitable returns. A trading strategy will be effective only if it is used with an accurate trading analysis and suits the trader’s mentality, goals, capital available, and trading knowledge.

Fundamental Analysis

Day trading is the most popular trading style. It is also called ‘active trading’. It consists of buying and selling an asset within the same day. Every trade that is open during the day is closed before midnight. This strategy usually involves professional traders who know when to react and how. However, since a trading platform is available online, even new traders can apply for day trading.

Position Trading

Position trading uses daily to monthly trading charts to determine the future direction of the currency market. This type of trade is kept open for several days, weeks and often longer than that, depending on the instrument trend. Trend traders usually open positions after the trend has established itself. They close the position when the trend breaks.

Swing Trading

Day trading is the most popular trading style. It is also called ‘active trading’. It consists of buying and selling an asset within the same day. Every trade that is open during the day is closed before midnight. This strategy usually involves professional traders who know when to react and how. However, since a trading platform is available online, even new traders can apply for day trading.


Scalping is a strategy usually adapted by daily active traders. It is focused on various price gaps caused by sell-buy prices and order movements. The strategy works by buying at the bid price and selling at ask price, to get the difference between the two prices. Scalpers hold their positions for short periods of time, decreasing the risk level related to this strategy.


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